Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday June 29

Today IS:

Home work: Bring in a photo of yourself & something from another country!
Advanced Junior Artists: paint 2 pieces of fruit as well

Tomorrow ( June 30th) IS:
Home work: Tomorrow is Picasso's birthday! Make him a present or a birthday card! He loves oranges!!

Advanced: Draw a portrait of one of your family members.

** Thursday is the last day of camp! Parents please come in 30 minutes early for art gallery show, family project and camp graduation!

Thursday IS:

Monday, June 21, 2010

Welcome to HCRP Art Adventure Camp! The first week of class starts June 28th at Ellicott Mills Elementary School. Budding Artists camp begins at 9am -Noon. Junior Artists camp runs from 1pm to 4 pm. Parents do not be late for pick up!

Camp will be held in the rec room. Make sure you have your camp participation form filled out ready to be turned in!

Don't forget to dress for mess! Can't wait to see you Monday!


*Homework: Bring in completed Picasso Puppet for Tuesday! Parents read Parent News Letter.


*Dress up as a pirate and bring in your treasure (something that means something to you!)